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Losing interest in everything? When to seek professional help?

Published by Anu Singhal

Do you find yourself losing interest in everything? Whether it’s daily chores, work or hobbies? Do activities that once filled you with joy now seem mundane and effortful? Does everything seem like a struggle?

While it is common to experience this every now and then, if you can’t seem to shake the feeling- it may indicate a deeper underlying issue that needs to be addressed. If you've been experiencing a lack of interest in various aspects of your life for an extended period, such as weeks or months, it's time to consider seeking help.

Some signs to look out for are

  • Low mood
  • Decline in productivity
  • A persistent feeling of emptiness or indifference
  • Increased fatiguability and tiredness
  • Avoiding of social interactions
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Loss of appetite

Mental health professionals such as counsellors, psychologists, and psychiatrists are qualified to help people understand their emotions and behaviours. Through dialogue and a variety of therapy strategies they can provide valuable insights and help you to understand the root cause behind your disinterest as well as device solutions to manage the same. They can also assist you in learning effective coping strategies.

What can you do?

While seeking professional help is important, especially if your disinterest persists, here are some initial steps you can take on your own:

  • Practise mindfulness- Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises can help you stay in the moment and focus on the present.
  • Journalling- Putting your thoughts and feelings on pen and paper can help you gain valuable insights and be cathartic in itself.
  • Practice gratitude, self-compassion- Practising gratitude can help you recognise some of the positive aspects of your life. It’s equally important to be kind to yourself and recognise that it's okay to go through periods of disinterest.
  • Establish a routine- A routine can give your day direction. Include activities you used to enjoy and progressively reintegrate them into your life. This can help you rekindle your sense of purpose by being consistent.

Please note:

These strategies are not a substitute for professional help. If you are experiencing persistent disinterest or significant emotional distress, seek assistance from a qualified mental health professional.

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